A Time of Remembrance
This year Memorial Day for the USA will be on May 27th; it began to be widely observed in May in 1868, to recognize and honor those who gave their lives to defend our country. These soldiers were on a team, united to achieve a common purpose, ensuring that we have Freedom. Taking time to remember important events and people is not a new idea and Jesus even gave a command to Christians in Luke 22:19 as He was meeting with the disciples prior to His arrest and death. He said, “Do this in remembrance of me”, as they were meeting in the upper room. Churches have been calling this “The Lords Supper” or “Communion” and it is to be taken by those who have professed their faith in Jesus as Lord. Most of the churches I have been a part of do this on a monthly basis, although some churches observe it more and some less. The point is to have a devoted time to reflect on your life, and on your relationship with Jesus, as you remember the events leading to His death and then His resurrection.
Memories come and go in our lives as we have some designated days of honor, or sometimes it is a Facebook or Google reminder that “pops up”; we are taken back in our minds to a previous day, by a special post or picture. Taking a look back can help us move forward so that we have a clearer understanding of our direction and renew our resolve to achieve our purpose. We can get off track because there are so many distractions from people and things around us, yet we can take time to remember where we came from and what we have been saved from. Perhaps you can look at it as a memorial for the end of your old nature. Ephesians 4:22-24 says to “throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life… let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God – truly righteous and holy.” Remember how you made a decision to follow Him and “press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus”, as stated in Philippians 3:14.
You may never know all the times you were protected from trouble, or how many prayers were offered for you to continue in your journey with Christ. So, take some time to remember how Christ laid down His life for us. Remember how you made a decision to follow Him and look for His leading. And yes take time to remember those who have sacrificed for our country, who have given their all. Let these remembrances propel you forward with renewed strength and dedication, and also encourage you to share the good news of Jesus with others for God’s glory and His Kingdom.